
Books in English language
Sharing Life. Animism as Ecopolitical Practice. Delhi: Heinrich-Böll Foundation, India, 2020.
Download here:
Enlivenment. Toward a Poetics of the Anthropocene. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2019.
Completely rewritten and expanded from the 2013 version.
Matter & Desire. An Erotic Ecology. Wite River Junction: Chelsea Green, 2017.
Nautilus Gold Award Medal Winner, Ecology & the Environment.
Biopoetics. Towards an Existential Ecology. Amsterdam & New York: Springer, 2016.
The Biology of Wonder. Aliveness, Feeling, and the Metamorphosis of Science. New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, BC, 2016.
Enlivenment. Towards a fundamental shift in the concepts of nature, culture and politics. Berlin: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 2013. Download the book here.
Books in German and other languages
Indigenialität. Berlin: Nicolai, 2018.
Stiftung Buchkunst Award, 2019
Sein und Teilen. BIelefeld: transcript, 2017.
Enlivenment. Eine Kultur des Lebens. Versuch einer Poetik für das Anthropozän. Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, 2016
Lebendigkeit. Eine erotische Ökologie. München: Kösel, 2014 (translated into Estonian language).
Das Quatsch-Matsch-Buch. München: Kösel, 2013 (translated into Czech language).
Minima Animalia. Klein Jasedow: thinkOya, 2012. Download the Introduction here and the First Chapter here.
Mehr Matsch. Kinder brauchen Natur. Berlin: Ullstein Verlag, 2011.
Biokapital. Die Versöhnung von Natur, Ökologie und Menschlichkeit. Berlin: Berlin-Verlag, 2008 (translated into Corean and Dutch language).
Alles fühlt. Mensch, Natur und die Revolution der Lebenswissenschaften. Berlin: Berlin-Verlag, 2007. New edition with thinkOYA 2014 (translated into Corean, Estonian, Serbian and Slovenian language).
Natur als Bedeutung. Versuch einer semiotischen Theorie des Lebendigen. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 2013. Download the book here.
Selected Papers & Book Chapters
Weber, Andreas & Hildegard Kurt (2015): ‘Towards Cultures of Aliveness: Politics and Poetics in a Postdualistic Age. An Anthropocene Manifesto’ Solutions 5.
Weber, Andreas (2015): “Reality as Commons. A Poetics of Participation for the Anthropocene”. In: David Bollier & Silke Helfrich, eds., Patterns of Commoning. Amherst, Mass.: Off the Commons Press.
Weber, Andreas (2012): ‘The Economy of Wastefulness: The Biology of the Commons.’ In: David Bollier & Silke Helfrich, eds., The Wealth of the Commons: A World beyond Market and State. Amherst, Mass.: Levellers Press.
Weber, Andreas (2010): ‘The Book of Desire. Towards a Biological Poetics.’ Biosemiotics 4, 2: 35–53.
Weber, Andreas & Francisco J. Varela (2008): ‘Naturalizing Kant: From Intrinsic Teleology to Biological Subjects’ In: Luca Illeterati & Francesca Michelini, eds., Purposiveness. Teleology between Nature and Mind. Heusenstamm: Ontos.
Weber, Andreas (2007): “The wake of consilience produces monsters. Evolutionary Psychology, Social Construction, and a Biosemiotic Proposal for Symmetry”. In M. Barbieri (Ed.), Biosemiotic Research Trends. New York: Hauppauge, 241–254.
Weber, Andreas (2004): “Mimesis and Metaphor. The biosemiotic generation of meaning in Cassirer and von Uexküll.“ Sign Systems Studies 32 (1): 153-170.
Weber, Andreas & Francisco J. Varela (2002): “Life after Kant: Natural purposes and the foundations of biological individuality.” Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1: 97-125.
Weber, Andreas (2002): “Feeling the signs. The origins of meaning in the biological philosophy of Susanne K. Langer and Hans Jonas”. Sign Systems Studies 30 (1): 183-200.
Weber, Andreas (2001): “Cognition as expression. On the autopoietic foundations of an aesthetic theory of nature”. Sign Systems Studies 29 (1): 153-167.
Weber, Andreas (2001): “The ‘surplus of meaning’. Biosemiotic aspects in Francisco J. Varela’s philosophy of cognition.” Cybernetics & Human Knowing 9 (2): 11-29.